Icon of Mother of God  "Warrantres of the Sinful"


The time of the appearance of this miracle-working icon in Russia is unknown, !t became famous at the Odrin Monastery of St. Nicholas in the Orel Gubernia in the rnid-)9th century. For quite a long time this worn-out icon was translated from one place to another within ihe cloister and finally ii was installed in an old chapel near the monastery gates. In 1843. it was revealed to the people of the town of Karachev in their dreams that the icon had miraculous powers and actually it soon began to work numerous cures. A two-year epileptic boy, the son of merchant woman Pochepina. was the first to be healed. During an outbreak of cholera hi Orel and Karachev. the icon was translated to Orel where all the sick people soon recovered. In the late 19th century, a big three-altar stone church was built at the Odrin Monastery in honor of this icon. Feast days: March 7/20 and May 29/June 11.